Most Profitable Business In Nigeria With Low Capital 2023

There are numerous opportunities for entrepreneurs in Nigeria. It is a land with abundant resources and human capital. However, starting a business in Nigeria can be challenging, particularly if you lack significant capital. In this article, we will examine some of the most lucrative enterprises in Nigeria that require a small initial investment.

These profitable business concepts are very lucrative. They have the potential to make anyone successful if handled properly. A significant number of them are underexplored in Nigeria.

With Nigeria’s high unemployment rate, a large number of individuals are unemployed. Suicide is the act of living without a source of income. However, if you possess intelligence, you can establish your own business. In no time, if you are competent, you will be able to generate your own income. As well as employing others.

To establish a business, you do not need to be extremely wealthy. The business concepts listed on this page can be pursued with either a modest investment or a substantial one. It depends solely on your capacity.

Advantages of establishing a business in Nigeria

Starting a business in Nigeria has numerous advantages. First, you are responsible for your own fate. No manager can dismiss you tomorrow. Job security is present.

Another reason is the opportunity to develop and create your own brand. When you operate your own business, you create a brand. The greater your expansion, the larger your brand. Take a peek at Dangote. His brand will endure after his passing.

Owning a business increases your likelihood of becoming wealthy. There is excessive rivalry in the workplace. There are many people who have worked for many years without promotion, but no one can deny you a promotion in your own company.

You have the opportunity to impact the economy by creating employment and providing other Nigerians with a means of subsistence. Those with a decent heart should be highly motivated to enter business by the satisfaction of employing others and providing them with a means of survival.

Agriculture is one of Nigeria’s most lucrative industries. The country has a significant amount of arable land and an agriculture-friendly climate. You can begin on a modest scale by cultivating vegetables, fruits, or livestock.

There are many profitable enterprises for Nigerians to pursue in Nigeria. However, for unknown reasons, Nigerians abandon the country in search of greener pastures without attempting to utilize ideas developed in their home country. As a result, foreigners are seizing the opportunities we fail to recognize, and they are dominating!

Most lucrative businesses in Nigeria

Here are the most profitable enterprises in Nigeria:

1. Oil and gas Industry

The simple fact is that Nigeria and, to a significant degree, the entire globe continue to rely on oil and gas. As long as this trend persists, this company will continue to dominate the market. Oil and gas reign supreme among the most profitable enterprises in Nigeria.

When it comes to cooking, we rely on gas or petroleum. Whether we travel by automobile, okada, or Keke-napep, petroleum is required. And because the electricity supply is inadequate, we rely on petroleum to generate electricity. All enterprises in Nigeria, regardless of size, rely on fuel or diesel to function.

Too much dependence on hydrocarbons and gas exists. It is abundant in Nigeria. Anyone who engages in this enterprise will amass a fortune.

Here are some opportunities within the oil and gas industry:

This is among the most profitable aspects of the oil and gas industry. However, you will need a large budget to enter the market. Distributors of oil and gas import refined petroleum products for distribution to various industries.

Gasoline Station
One can open a gas station with a few million Naira. There are so many automobiles in Nigeria that you will never run out of potential clients. Additionally, many individuals rely on gas stations to fuel their generators.

Cooking gas enterprise
This enterprise is untapped in Nigeria. Many individuals are so preoccupied with gasoline that they ignore domestic gas. Recently, I spoke with the manager of a mid-sized petroleum company. They are interested in every type of petroleum product. He informed me that heating gas is their most lucrative business venture.

You can provision retailers with cooking gas, or you can become a retailer and refuel end users. Add flavor. This enterprise is highly profitable and requires little capital to launch. You can start out modest and expand!

Kerosene industry
Numerous Nigerians continue to use petroleum for a variety of purposes. Even those who have access to cooking gas rely on kerosene stoves as a fallback. This enterprise is highly lucrative. Because fewer individuals are interested in it now, it is more profitable.

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Transportation of Oil and Gas
You can buy tankers and begin transporting petroleum products. That might be ships. Petroleum products are similar to any other commodity in that they must be transported. Fleet management opportunities exist as well.

The energy and gas industry presents the following opportunities. If you do your investigation, you will find more. Oil and hydrocarbons continue to be one of Nigeria’s most profitable industries.

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2. Agriculture industry

In addition to being one of the most profitable enterprises in Nigeria, agriculture is also an evergreen business. It never grows old and never fades. As long as humanity exists, the agriculture industry will flourish. This renders it a crucial and strategic enterprise.

Agriculture entrepreneurs in Nigeria have access to numerous loans and financing options, which contributes to the business’s attractiveness. The Federal Government, through the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank, and the Ministry of Agriculture, operates a Bank of Agriculture. How to obtain a loan from the Bank of Agriculture is available to read online. Numerous business lenders grant agriculture a substantial amount of preference.

As a result of the government’s ongoing efforts to diversify its economy away from energy, agriculture is its primary focus. It will generate more incentives for this industry. Those who enter the agriculture industry stand to gain enormous profits and experience rapid expansion.

Here are some possibilities in the Agriculture industry:

Snake rearing

This entails the commercial cultivation of snakes. This business is very lucrative due to its inherent danger and lack of competition.

Farming cattle

In Nigeria, beef is extremely popular. In Nigeria, cow milk is nearly as valuable as crude oil. Due to these factors, cattle ranching is one of Nigeria’s most lucrative industries. How to establish a cattle farming business in Nigeria is detailed in this article.

Palm oil enterprise

Palm oil is valuable. Palm oil is used to manufacture the majority of products, including cream, broth, and many others. Numerous businesses throughout the globe import palm oil from Nigeria. This enterprise is highly lucrative. Click here for additional reading: How to get started in the palm oil industry in Nigeria

Cassava cultivation

Most Nigerians rely on Garri, fufu, and other cassava-based foods. This enterprise is highly profitable due to the products’ high demand. How to Start a Cassava Farming Enterprise in Nigeria is available here.

Poultry husbandry

Chicken, Turkey, and other meats are incredibly popular among Nigerians, particularly during holiday seasons. Poultry farming is a highly lucrative enterprise that anyone can begin with a small investment. Click here for additional reading: How to establish a chicken farm in Nigeria

Snail husbandry

Nigeria’s snail aquaculture industry is untapped. In this industry, there are so many opportunities and potential. How to start a snail farming enterprise is available here.

In addition to the aforementioned agriculture business concepts, there are numerous others. Conduct research and select the one that best suits you, your budget, and your location.

3. Food commerce

There is no chance that the food business won’t be one of the most lucrative in Nigeria. This is an evergreen enterprise. People will continue to consume food forever! Regardless of the state of the economy, food is one item people can never do without.

This is a business that, if managed properly, can make you wealthy. Additionally, acquiring devoted customers is very simple. If your cuisine is delicious, customers will always return.

You can run a successful food business if you can locate an excellent location and hire the appropriate skillset and workforce. This is a year-round enterprise. Daily demand exists for it.

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Here are some business opportunities in the culinary industry:


Nigerians adore big brands like Mr. Bigg’s and co. Some of these brands are so well-known that consumers demonstrate brand loyalty. You can establish a fast food franchise in any city with no or minimal competition if you can locate a good location. United African Company of Nigeria (UAC) is the owner of Mr. Bigg’s; you can register for a franchise opportunity with them.

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Once approved, you can establish a Mr. Bigg’s fast food restaurant and generate income. You will make a lot of money if you locate a good location with little or no competition. In addition to Mr. Bigg’s, you may establish any other franchise of your choosing.

Local restaurant

You can establish a local eatery that caters to a specific group of diners. For instance, you can establish a “Calabar restaurant” serving the renowned Edika-ikong and Affang soup. This will distinguish you, and those interested in these delicacies will seek you out.

You can open a “restaurant specializing in amala” where the emphasis is on the delicious amala dish.

Having a requirement can be decisive when selecting a local restaurant.

Foreign and intercontinental restaurant

In Nigeria, international and intercontinental cuisines are becoming increasingly popular. This type of cuisine attracts wealthy people, immigrants, and famous people.

You can establish up a Chinese restaurant, an Italian restaurant, an Indian restaurant, etc. You can learn how to prepare the common dishes served in these restaurants, or you can form a partnership with someone who is well-versed in the subject.

Food supply company

This is a highly profitable enterprise that you can engage in. This company is managed by a woman whom I know. She provides catering services for conferences, seminars, and bank annual general meetings, among others.

The food provision industry is profitable. You must possess or hire someone with excellent cooking abilities. Create a network of event organizers and administrators. Additionally, approach institutions, businesses, etc. You will be awestruck!


4. Blogging Business

The blogging industry has certainly earned its place among Nigeria’s most lucrative enterprises. More and more individuals prefer to consume news online as opposed to in newspapers. Many individuals are gradually abandoning newspapers in favor of news blogs. This has created immense possibilities.

Bloggers generate income through a variety of methods, including direct advertising, ad networks, affiliate marketing, product sales, sponsored posts, and collaborations. On average, high-end bloggers make over 20 million Naira every month in Nigeria.

Starting a blog is simple. With a minuscule capital. A self-hosted blog will cost you approximately N4,000 for a domain name and N27,000 for a year’s worth of hosting. You pay for each for one year. That is less than N35,000 required to launch a business that can generate N20 million per month.


5. Real estate industry

The real estate industry is one of the most lucrative in Nigeria and worldwide. There is no uncertainty about it. People will always require a place to rest their heads. The real estate market will continue to expand as the population grows. This industry continues to expand as more people migrate to urban areas.

In the real estate industry, there are numerous opportunities. You may operate as a broker. A service that, for a fee or a commission, assists individuals in locating real estate and apartments. Also, assisting sellers and landlords in finding purchasers or tenants for a fee.

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You can develop properties for sale or rent in highly desirable locations. You can also invest in land and develop or sell it after its value has increased.

6. Furniture enterprise

Unquestionably, the furnishing industry is one of the most lucrative in Nigeria. The market is expansive and demand is substantial. People will always utilize furnishings. On furniture, individuals both sit and slumber. Both the kitchen and the living room contain furnishings. Companies require furnishings. There is furniture all around us. Furnishings are an indispensable commodity.

You can open a carpentry business where you craft furniture for a variety of purposes. Employ competent contractors. Provide furniture to showrooms, businesses, and institutions, as well as sell to individuals.

If you are not interested in opening a carpentry business, you can open a showroom and source furniture from local carpenters. Showcase and sell them. The market is enormous, and the profit margin is substantial.

7. Hotel enterprise

The hotel industry is extremely lucrative and cannot be overlooked among Nigeria’s most lucrative enterprises. The population of Nigeria is very large, and people frequently travel for pleasure or commerce. The hotel offers them shelter. In addition, visitors to the country patronize hotels.

To flourish in the hotel industry, you must either seek out a less competitive environment and begin operations there, or offer superior or cheaper services in a competitive area. As a means of supplementing your hoteliers’ income, you should offer event space for rent. The establishment consists of a tavern and restaurant.

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8. Transportation company

Transportation is included on this list of the most profitable enterprises in Nigeria, and rightfully so. This is a necessity. People are always on the move. Moving to work, to worship, to visit, and between cities. There is perpetual motion. With more than 150 million Nigerians on the move, this enterprise is profitable.

You can commence with a small or large amount of capital. You can supplement your income by driving for Uber. Buy vehicles, okada or keke-napep. Even aircraft. The market is vast and in great demand. People are always on the move!

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9. Social media marketing

Social media marketing must be one of the most lucrative enterprises in Nigeria, given that so many people spend the majority of their time on social media.

Utilizing social media to generate leads for businesses is the essence of social media marketing. You can work independently to assist businesses in optimizing their use of social media, or you can use social media to promote and sell products.

10. Fashion sector

There is no way that the fashion industry won’t reach the list of the most profitable businesses in Nigeria. Nigerians adore celebrations, be they marriages, birthdays, or end-of-year get-togethers. Even at funerals, we find a means to celebrate: the burial ceremony! There are uniforms for all these occasions.

The fashion industry is extremely popular. Clothing will always be worn by humans. People need clothing to go to work, school, or even to sleep. Strong demand exists.

You can pursue a career in fashion design and create incredible garments. You will have a sizable customer base from various demographics. Additionally, you can establish a boutique that sells both imported and locally-made fashion items. You can provide printing services in addition to printing on T-shirts and headwear.

There is also commerce in Okrika. How to launch an Okrika enterprise in Nigeria. Remember that humans will always wear clothing! Demand will always be present. You can also specialize in children’s clothing, infant clothes, clothing for women, wedding attire, African print, etc.

11. Online Video enterprise

In reality, individuals spend more time online than they do watching television. Online video consumption is gradually gaining popularity. YouTube and Netflix in particular.

If it weren’t for how expensive internet data is in Nigeria, a large number of people would have abandoned their televisions in favor of streaming nearly everything online.

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The market is considerable in size. You can create a video blog on YouTube about your favorite topic. You generate income through advertisements, affiliate marketing, sponsorship, and other methods. How to make money with YouTube. You can establish your own video or movie streaming platform if you have a large budget.

12. Dry Cleaning company

This enterprise is extremely profitable in the city. The majority of occupied professionals rely on dry cleaners for their laundry requirements. Businesses and organizations utilize dry cleaning services frequently. If your location is optimal in this industry, you will always have customers.

13. Pure water industry

Water is the only resource that humans cannot survive without. Due to the importance of water, the pure water industry makes this list of Nigeria’s most lucrative enterprises.

Today, there are approximately 180 million inhabitants in Nigeria, and they all consume water. There will always be customers, which makes this business extremely profitable.

14. Dropshipping company

The dropshipping industry is a very lucrative industry. It allows you to operate your own online store without the need for a warehouse or inventory.

Simply establish an online store, then copy inventory from manufacturers or suppliers and add it. If anyone places an order, the supplier will ship to them, and you will receive payment.

You can launch an online store using WooCommerce, Shopify, or another platform. Consult this guide: How to create a simple online store with Shopify

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This roster will continue to be expanded and modified. You can bookmark this page and return to it in the future to find the most profitable enterprises in Nigeria.

About Samuel 637 Articles
Samuel is an SEO technician and Content developer with over 5 years of work experience. He is known for his love and passion for helping others achieve their financial goals and dreams. This lead to the birth of Finwealthonline. His love for many has to lead him to help thousands of students seeking financial loan advices, app reviews with the right information. Samuel being the CEO and founder of Finwealthonline will continue his good work on helping people with the right information that will lead to achieving their financial dreams and goals.

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